[#KeepgoingTOGETHER Program vol. 16] #KeepgoingTOGETHER! HATENKOHRO special premieres show!! - EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会

[#KeepgoingTOGETHER Program vol. 16] #KeepgoingTOGETHER! HATENKOHRO special premieres show!!


What I felt and learned by challenging online live streaming 

It was our first try using “YouTube Premiers”. After streaming, we felt that it was the real-time online show that we can share with the world no matter where you are. Using the chat room enabled us to explain about each song and performances, and also answer to the viewers. It was thus, a completely new and effective way for us. Some of the viewers who watched the video that we left in the archive file commented that they felt as if they were watching it with us because of the attached comments.
During times like this where we do not have the luxury to conduct regular shows, it has hit us hard how important it is to provide you all with as live and raw content as possible online. 


Utilization and development of online live streaming for forthcoming activities 

We will be posting some of the live videos on various platforms and hope everyone enjoys from their home during this #StayHome movement. On Instagram live we are inviting some artists or the people who participate in Japanese traditional industries not only HATENKOHRO members and sharing our activity With each audience. On YouTube we are posting the past show video or making and posting new works by remote which using live streaming system and premiere system.
After things settle down, using the knowledge that we have learnt while the lockdown, we will provide you both our real shows and online contents.
hope everyone in the world to enjoy our shows staying at home.


Thoughts and opinions towards online live streaming activities 

Not only the show business but also many others find themselves in need of better solutions for online meetings and collaboration. The crisis is deepening digital systems and it looks like it could last long after the health crisis has passed. 
But for now, we find the risk of multiple people talking at the same time. There often are slight lags in audio when using video-conferencing services so it might be difficult to play instruments all at once online. However, we hope someday in the near future, we can hold music shows using services such as 5G. 
We believe that after the lockdown has been lifted, by utilizing existing online system, we will be able to provide a new form of entertainment. 
We will keep exploring available options in order to provide entertaining contents to people all over the world. 


#KeepgoingTOGETHER! HATENKOHRO special premieres show!!

Date: 9 May 2020
Content: Streaming a live show in Wellington, New Zealand in February 2020
Promotion tool: Official website, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram
Distribution tool: YouTube Premiere 
The number of views: 149